What goes through the mind of a customer that sees smudges and smears on your windows when they walk into your restaurant? The very first thing that most people will start to wonder is if the kitchen facilities and food management is being done up to the appropriate legal Health & Safety Standards and all of that. Now if you can think to yourself, how many times have you gone into a fast food place and it was greasy and grimy? And do you recall your reaction to these conditions? Perhaps you considered heading to another place instead? This becomes a toxic scenario quickly for the restaurant owner and it’s our job to prevent these sorts of completely avoidable situations. We offer a professional fairly prices restaurant window cleaning service to get your place shining! They realize it is a small price to pay. Restaurant owners know it’s important to have really clean windows to maintain a clean, professional image. But the problem is…where do they find window cleaners that know what they’re doing but don’t over charge for their services? It’s hard to find good window cleaners because there are only so many companies that are not fly by nighters and that have an actual proven track record of success in the community. There are of course a few good window cleaning companies in Canada’s Capital but many of them are at capacity because they don’t have a handle on how to recruit, vet and train and exceptional candidates to manage the overwhelming demand for the service. You’ve come to the right place, Performance Window Cleaning has got your covered.